stroke recovery umbilical cord blood cells

Best Stroke Rehabilitation with Stem Cells

We organize the best stem cell therapy for stroke rehabilitation

Did you know that umbilical cord blood cells can help to recover from brain stroke?

GermanyHealth organizes best brain stroke rehabilitation with stem cells at a specialized clinic utilizing allogenic cord blood cells (umbilical cord blood cells) for effective brain stroke recovery.

The clinic we are cooperating with has experience in over 21 years in blood cord cell banking. Therefore, it may be the best clinic in Europe or worldwide providing cord blood infusions for brain stroke victims. But also to patients who had a hypoxic brain injury can benefit from stroke rehabilitation with stem cells.

However, to get all organized GermanyHealth provides specialized patient services. You can book our personal assistance service or even our VIP patient services, which include transportation, translation, and many more services.

What causes and is a brain stroke

An ischemic brain stroke occurs when there is an interruption in blood flow in an artery, a blood vessel through which oxygenated blood from the lungs is pumped from the heart to systemic circulation.

When this artery supplies blood to a circumscribed section of the brain, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients and can no longer function.

The person affected notices neurological symptoms or symptoms. As a result, these cells die within a few minutes and permanent functional impairments occur. Therefore, stem cell therapy can be used to regain the functions of the brain cells in combination with neurorehabilitation treatment. Here you can see the top hospitals for neurorehabilitation in Germany we offer.

stroke rehabilitation with stem cells in Germany

About Umbilical Cord Blood Cells

In patients who have had a brain stroke or hypoxic brain injury, a therapeutic procedure involving an intravenous infusion of cord blood cells is used. The umbilical cord blood for the infusion is obtained by taking it through the umbilical cord vein. The Umbilical cord blood is the most effective stroke and brain injury rehabilitation.

Therefore, a dose of 50 million cells per kg is necessary to achieve an optimal therapeutic effect. This roughly equates to 4 to 6 donors to achieve the required volume of CBU’s for the infusion.

The administration of the infusion is spread over 2-3 days. During the infusion and after the infusion, the patient is monitored for any side effects that may occur. As has been shown, a slight improvement in cognitive and motor functions occurs in the majority of patients after administration of the umbilical cord blood infusions.

However, the improvements in brain stroke rehabilitation with stem cells are noticeable within the first few weeks and last for 3 to 6 months. If there is improvement you can repeat the stem cell therapy with umbilical cord blood cells after 6 month earliest.

The side effects of umbilical cord blood cell infusion are generally mild or non-existent.

Stroke Rehabilitation with Stem Cells

Stem Cell therapy for Brain Stroke Recovery

How stem cells are used to treat stroke patients?

You should know, that umbilical cord blood stem cells regain your brain cells. Hence, it is an additional promising approach and it is improving cognitive and motor functions. Hence, it should be said that the administration of umbilical cord blood by infusion is not a substitute for conventional neurorehabilitation.

If you are taking medication, there is no need to discontinue it during therapy. Physical rehabilitation can also be continued at one of the German rehab centers, but also in your home country.

Intravenous cord blood stem cell therapy enhance the regenerative activity of brain cells in stroke patients. This is a significant and important aspect.

Clinical trials suggest that umbilical cord blood therapy is more effective when administered soon after a stroke occurs.

After patients receive the infusion, they notice improvement within weeks. However, over the next 3 to 6 months, patients experience progressive improvement in their functional abilities.

These newfound improvements are permanent and patients do not experience any worsening after stem cell therapy with umbilical cord blood.

However, there may be little or no improvement in patients with severe functional impairment. Patients with mild or minimal impairment may experience modest improvement.

Again, another study suggests that repeated cord blood infusion may lead to further functional improvements.

Procedure with Umbilical Cord Blood and Stem Cell Therapy

Before / Initial / After

The treatment begins with a detailed initial telephone or video consultation. This serves to collect a comprehensive anamnesis of the patient and to provide detailed information about the treatment by the doctors.

In the beginning, on the first day, some preliminary examinations must be carried out. This includes determining the blood group, if previously unknown. However, we ask for a lab test before you come to start your stroke and brain injury rehabilitation.

Further, renal function must be assessed by standard biochemical tests. An echocardiogram is used to clarify heart function. If abnormalities are found, further tests will be necessary to optimally clarify the cardiac status.

After the preliminary interview, examination, and baseline testing, the treating physician will propose a final treatment plan.

In order to ensure the absolute patient compatibility of the umbilical cord blood units (CBU), double checks are carried out for your safety.

The treatment plan of each patient is individual. Therefore, the course of treatment is different for each patient. The treatment with stem cells might be a program of 7-9 days.

Therefore, patients are supervised by a doctor during the time to monitor possible side effects. A final examination ensures that you can leave the clinic safely.

Following the last infusion, there will be one final check-up with the treating physician. After completion of therapy, your doctor will be in contact over the next 6 months to monitor treatment effectiveness and any potential adverse effects.

Possible Risks

Any risks that can arise from a blood transfusion are usually rare and easily manageable.

Possible side effects that may occur: Allergic reactions

The most commonly reported side effects may be allergic reactions, hives, fever, and itching. However, these can be treated very well with medication. However, if side effects occur, the blood transfusion is stopped immediately.

Possible blood transfusion infections:

Infectious agents, such as HIV or hepatitis B, that can be transmitted through cord blood are extremely rare since the donated cord blood and maternal blood are examined by sensitive nucleoic acid tests. This is to ensure the safety of the blood.

To ensure AB0 blood group compatibility, the umbilical cord blood units are carefully and precisely tested and matched to patients.

When comparing a standard blood transfusion to a cord blood infusion, cord blood transfusions are safer for three reasons:

a) A careful selection of the CBUs takes place through several control steps.

b) Most of the red blood cells have been removed from the cord blood units.

c) Only small amounts are administered by infusion over several days.

A mismatched cord blood transfusion is extremely unlikely. In this case, the response is minimal due to the small volume and minimal amount of transfused red blood cells.

Should an incompatibility nevertheless occur, the treatment will be stopped immediately and treated with medication.

Transfusion-related graft versus host disease (TA GvHD)

When this happens, the bone marrow cells are attacked by white blood cells. However, this is mostly the case in patients undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment for hematological malignancies such as lymph nodes or leukemia.

However, severe immunodeficiency caused by disease and worsened by chemotherapy can prevent the patient’s immune system from clearing donated cells. This is usually several weeks after each transfusion. The resulting infection, such as the TA GvHD that occurs, often leads to the death of a patient.

Because the incidence is extremely rare, the exact frequency of this adverse event is not known. Based on published data and our estimate, TA GvHD occurs in less than 1 case in 7,000,000 blood transfusions.

The mechanical effect of the therapeutic effect

The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of umbilical cord blood cells is still unknown.

It is assumed that the cord blood immune cells modulate the immune and regenerative activity of the patient’s cells. However, other umbilical cord blood cells, including thrombocytes, may also play a significant role in complex signaling.

Clinical research and studies

However, in order to get more certainty about the therapeutic effect of umbilical cord blood, further clinical studies are necessary. Therefore, in order to get FDA approval for the infusion of umbilical cord cells, the phase 3 stroke clinical trial must be conducted in the USA. This could be submitted to the FDA by 2025.

At the moment, Prof. Dr. Kurtzberg of DUKE University in the US is conducting a phase 2 clinical trial investigating giving patients a cord blood infusion up to 10 days after a stroke.

Preliminary published results showed improvement in all patients.

Financial Aspects of Stroke Rehabilitation with Stem Cells

Costs of stroke rehabilitation with Stem Cells from umbilical cord blood

The total cost of brain stroke rehabilitation with stem cells from umbilical blood cord cells is 35,000 to 44,000 EURO. This includes all consultations with our doctors before and after the treatment.

Therefore, all necessary medical evaluations before and after the stem cell therapy, umbilical cord blood from voluntary donor procurement provided by the public cord blood registry, and umbilical cord blood intravenous infusion procedure split into 7 or 9 days.

Patient monitoring after the treatment including all laboratory and medical evaluations and follow-up consultations with our doctors for the duration of 12 months after the treatment is included.

Let’s see if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy

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